Thursday February 15, 9 p.m. – Sala Gialla (Artes school of music) 
Projections (3): Sontata form. Lesson/concert with Lorenzo Mascilli Migliorini.

Access is subject to availability.


Thursday January 25, 9 p.m. – Sala Gialla (Artes school of music) 
Projections (2): Melody. Lesson/concert with Prof. Riccardo Foti.

Access is subject to availability.


Thursday November 23, 9 p.m. – Sala Gialla (Artes school of music) 
Projections (1): Pictures of an exhibition. Lesson/concert with Prof. Riccardo Caroccia.

Access is subject to availability.


Sunday November 5, 8.30 p.m. – Keller Garage, Prato 
Singing students of the teachers Sara Chirici, Claudio Giovani e Vanessa Lucarini, and sax’s teacher Filippo Grassi. Guest: the Red Sands from F. Landini School of music (Florence).

Booking for dining tables:


Sunday October 29 Ottobre, 9.30 a.m. – Palazzo Pretorio Museum, Prato 
“Una colazione ad Arte”: Francesca Dolce (flute) e Dagmar Bathmann (cello)

Booking and info:


Thursday October 12, 9 p.m. – Sala Gialla (Artes school of music) 
Book presentation: Giuseppe Florio, ILLUSIONI FATALI (DreamBook Edition), and Vanessa Lucarini for StreetBook Magazine.

Access is subject to availability


Sunday September the 3rd at 6 p.m. – Museo del Tessuto, via Puccetti 3, Prato 
“Artes National Orchestra”: with the best students of Florence Conducting Masterclass, the masterclass in orchestra conducting held by M° Massimiliano Caldi.

The programme includes music by W. A. Mozart, P. I. Tchaikovsky, R. Wagner, L. van Beethoven.



May the 7th, h 18 – Sala Gialla of Artes School of music
“Speaking the music”: class – concert held by teachers Lorenzo Frati and Riccardo Foti, a travel in the history the most famous of the instruments: the piano.

March the 26th, h 17 – Sala Gialla of Artes School of music
“Piano forum”: collective class for all the piano students, both from classic and modern department (teachers Chiara Saccone, Riccardo Foti, Lorenzo Frati).